Guidelines for Guest Bloggers

On Wednesdays I welcome guest bloggers here at It's Not All Gravy. Guests can write on any topic except religion or politics - humor is always most welcome.

For authors, I prefer a piece that is not just a promo for a book. Write about something you do that is interesting, or some unusual bit of research you did for your book, or a funny thing that happened in your life. I can send interview questions, or you can work up a post where you interview your central character or he or she interviews you. That is always a fun blog. I prefer the blog piece to be between 500 and 600 words. Definitely under 700 words. If you can include a graphic that illustrates your topic in some way, that would be good.

I sometimes review the guest author's book the previous Sunday with a mention that he or she will be our guest on Wednesday.  If you would like me to read your book for possible review, make arrangements to get it to me at least a month before your scheduled appearance. Contact me at maryann  (at) maryannwrites (dot) com for details on sending ARCs. I do not read erotica or fantasy, and am not fond of paranormal. I like mysteries, suspense, women's fiction, memoirs, humor, and mainstream novels.

What I would need in advance is a headshot, jpg of your cover, short bio, short book blurb. Also include buy links, and other links where people can find you on the Internet: Website, Blog, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. Please send the post the week before you are to appear. Contact me at maryann  (at) maryannwrites (dot) com to schedule an appearance.

1 comment:

John Henry (Jack) Brebbia said...
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