Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Reaching a Milestone

I am a contributing member of The Blood Red Pencil blog, and I noticed today that we reached 800 followers. Good for us!!

The blog is written by a group of editors and writers who share editing and publishing tips. But it isn't always all about business. Sometimes we like to have a little fun, too. If you are not familiar with the blog, hop on over and check it out.

I have got to say that I have really enjoyed associating with this fine group, many of whom accomplish so much they make me stand with my mouth ajar wondering how they do it.

I have also learned a lot from all the experience and expertise gathered on one blog.


Terry Odell said...

Congrats on that milestone. You do great work.

Helen Ginger said...

It's probably one of the best group blogs!
Disclaimer: I'm one of the contributors. :-)

Straight From Hel

Maryannwrites said...

You are really good with the disclaimers, Helen. LOL

Thanks for the compliment on the BRP blog, Terry. There is a lot of experience and expertise gathered there.